Monday, August 9, 2010

How do you break up with someone long distance?

My Boyfriend and I have been together a few months (we go to the same college, but live on opposite sides of the country during the summer) but over the summer we have grown apart, not being together everyday, and the relationship has changed, he gets on my nerves now a lot and I don't think I feel the same about him anymore. But my question is is it best to wait until we are back together in the fall to break up with him, or should I do it now? on the phone? online? in an email? the thing is we rarely talk on the phone, so i think he would find a phone call very strange. I just want to know what people think about long distance breakups.How do you break up with someone long distance?
meet and love each otherHow do you break up with someone long distance?
I would do it over the phone. It is always best to do it in person but given the situation it is understandable. Catch him at a time when both of you will have the time to talk about this. Sometimes these conversations can last a while. Be clear, exact but spare his feelings. Make sure that he is aware that it is over.
wait until he comes back .. maybe the distance is causing you guys to be this way .. my managers boyfriend was gone for 3 months and she was thee bitchiest person i've met. but as soon as he came back she was normal .. maybe when he comes back he won't get on your nerves so much .. maybe whemm you see him all your feelings will come back! think about all of those and if you don't think it's worth it just call him.
i am in the same position although we arent really boyfriend and girlfriend... its complicated.

since its already august waiting a few more weeks till you go back seems like a good idea, maybe when you guys hangout again you will start to realize why you liked him in the first place. if not then be honest and tell him its not working out... thats what i plan to do!
its horrible over the phone, in person would be better, but if you cant stand to wait that long, then over the phone would be the best thing. just make sure its nothing like a letter or email or aim, but at least voice to voice
call him and break up with him. or if it's possible meet him somewhere and tell him that the distance isn't workin for u and that u think the two of u need to c other ppl.
change your phone number and email lol
Find a new boyfriend; its summer time.....sounds like he is losing interest in you too.
dont break up because you are feeling that summer restlessness..or if you are thinking of cheating...or if you are having a case of the dont know if i am doing the right thing because it is not right in front of my face.....

some people are not good on the you email....letters ? Is he getting on your nerves because there is something going on that you want to turn the relationship problems onto him.....

Be honest with yourself, if you really think that the relationship may not go anywhere and you are not happy then do it.....if it is just because you are not feeling the closeness and are annoyed by that then dont...wait if that is the case.....if you want to break up and dont follow the same social circles...well there are some easy albet not nicest ways to do it......stop taking his calls and calling him...he will get the picture and it will be easiest...however if you share friends and will see each other....well...i would say wait til you can see you can say that you are sad it is not working and he can see you mean it....a few months is not a long time to be dating but sometimes...a few months can make you feel head over heels...if you care about hurting this guy the least amount possible it is respectful to tell him to his face.....

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