Wednesday, August 18, 2010

How to break up with someone who means so much to you? ?

Me and my boyfriend have been going out for 2 years and we are so close, but sometimes I feel so trapped. He is controlling when it comes to being with my family. I love him with all my heart, we both have lost all of our friends so we basically only have each other. Lately, we have been fighting constantly and he thinks I am going to cheat on him! I would never do such a thing and relized he does not trust me. I want things to work out, but im tired of being treated like this. I can't stand the idea of losing him and living without him.

What do I do? How would I go about telling him, I can't do this anymore?

What would you do to try to work out the situation?

Thanks.How to break up with someone who means so much to you? ?
Simply discuss the problem at hand and let him know that you dont appreciated these things that he's doing and tell him things are gona have to change and if not, leave him but dont say that, make him break up with you. cheat on him like he thinks you will, or make him think that.How to break up with someone who means so much to you? ?
i know its not really the same thing, but i've just broke up with my girlfriend, and she doesent even want to be friends! she ment alot to me aswell, but i guess you just have to do whats best for them! I understand you dont want to loose him, but if he's making you unhappy you need to come foward and tell him how you feel, im sure he'll understand and im sure he will be willing to change aslong as he keeps you. Im not too good at advice, but i hope this helps!

Good Luck x
From my perspective, you should definitely talk to him first. If you really loved him, you would do anything you can to make it work. Just tell him everything you said on here and how you feel about it.
if they mean so much to you why would you want to break uop with them ??
Hey, I've being in a similar situation. I know it's hard to not feel trapped when you just have the one person to rely on but then again isn't it better to have one person that you'd trust to tell anything and everything to rather than no one at all? I know you think he's controlling you but I don't think he realizes he is doing it maybe he's just terrified of losing the one person that he has left. Sit him down and reassure him that he's the one person in the world that matters to you no matter what. If he doesn't understand that then maybe it's time to move on, I know it's a hard thought but if his behaviour doesnt improve after you explain whats damaging your realationship then maybe he isn't the type of person you should be with

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