Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Am I scared of losing him or scared of change? How did you feel when breaking up with someone?

The realization that I have to leave my boyfriend is starting to sink in.

Last time I broke up with someone; I didn't have any romantic feelings left for them and knew it was what I wanted, so it was easier.

This time, I'm making the decision because I feel I have to, because things that are making me unhappy will never change. My head tells me it's the right thing to do, but at the same time I doubt myself...I'm not sure if I'm flip-flopping because I will miss him, or because I'm scared of the change (we've been together for 2 years and currently live together)Am I scared of losing him or scared of change? How did you feel when breaking up with someone?
Your afraid of being alone. After spending so long with someone, its hard to be alone. But its best to end it if you arent happy.
  • wavy hair
  • hair straightener
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