Mr. Chivalry says, ';Sit him down. Let him know that although you two are not on terms as a couple, there is no reason that you can't be civil to each other. Let him know that the lease is business, and the business supersedes any disagreement you two have. You two are adults, and I'm sure you can come to an understanding.';
Mr. Chivalry has spoken.Boyfriend and I are unhappy, but live together. We don't have the money to break lease. How do we coexsist?
Good luck, Mr. Chivalry! Consider leaving and letting your boyfriend find a new roommate or have him leave and you find a new roommate.
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try to live with him a peacefully as possible. Its gonna be hard .
I think you should sublet the apartment. If you are not happy, get out. You could even rent the furniture with the apartment and make extra moment. Unless you need them of course. Good luck! Breaking up is NOT hard to do. Good luck with your future relationships.
Look, it seems as if you ahve to suck it up . Just sit and talk about the whole situation like how are you 2 going to handle this situation. I say you 2 should talk about you guys dating different people andetc.
I wonder the same thing!
move into separate rooms and treat each other as roomates...if its mutual this shouldn't be a problem.
The first thing to do is agree that neither of you brings a new b/f or g/f to your placw. Sit down together and make ';roommate rules.'; Keep your word.
One of you might be able to get someone to take over your part of the lease. Advertise for a roommate, and then talk to your landlord so you have approval. Most landlords would rather have a new person in there than have a potential for fights or a broken lease.
You need to get out of there. If you break the lease, you will have a hard time renting a new place.
Your mental health is worth whatever it costs you.
Once out, don't change your mind again and move back in. Be sure you are really done with him..
Become roommates and date other people.
8 month is not the whole life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I treat women like moon..lover's heart
Do either of you have a friend who would consider becoming a roommate for the time left on the lease? The other party could then move out without any loss of money.
Find someone to take over the lease or replace your partner to help finance the lease....this is the risk one takes when they enter such an arrangement without total commitment between the two of you.
just try and avoid eachother by changing your schedules around so you dont see eachother as much
Thats pretty crappy, Im not sure what Id do in your situation but I think that getting out of there no matter the cost would be on the agenda, maybe even move back with parents for a spell.
On a side note; answer one: You treat women like the moon? You ignore them for 99.9% of your time unless they are really shining or large and then say ';look at the women'; whilst your friends go ';oooooh'; and then forget its there for another... say... 76 days.
One more reason not to cohabitate.
Have separate rooms.
let go of the relationship and dont take cheap shots at each other- devise a schedule that makes you two miss each other and start over with the guy. say we had alot of problems and things didnt work we are stuck with the lease so we might as well learn to be friends.
Separate living areas, you take the bed he takes the couch, or vice versa. Schedule kitchen use. And everything else. But this better be an amicable separation or remember ';War of the Roses'; not a pretty picture. glgl with this situation.
See if your landlord will allow you to sublease your apartment to another party. You will probably lose your security deposit though. Also, read your lease. there may be a clause in there that allows you to give 60-90 days notice to move. However, you will still be responsible for the rent if the landlord doesn't find anyone to rent your apartment.
See if the landlord would understand the situation and let either of you go and be replaced with a new tenant.'re screwed
Break the lease. Whatever costs you would lose in the money is not worth the misery of living together.
Oftentimes they will forgive an early lease breakage if you can find someone to take your place, so place ads (online, print).
You'll thank me years from now.
wow that's a tough situation to be in. I would suggest keeping open communication among eachother. talk to him and tell him you dont like this situation any more than he does, you guys have to stay out of eachothers personal business now, but keep it cool.
all u can do is the best u can do....try sleeping in another bed for starters and just live your life and BOTH of you should not be bringing home your new b/f g/f.
Can one of you move out and still help the other one out with rent? That would probably be the best solution.
just try to be as nice as you can
move in with a family member or really good friend until you have enough money to get your own place.
some one needs to leave and still pay, i went through this 6 months ago, still in court battles over her scratching my car, breaking my windows, throwin g my stuff out in the yard, beating me and many other things, best to just get out
transfer teh lease and move out !!!!
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